Call for ReMade-TNA proposal. Deadline 9 October 2024 The fourth Call for TransNational Access (TNA) proposals for 2024 is open for you! The ReMade-TNA funding support represents a great opportunity for all scientists conducting circular economy research to benefit...
1st ReMade-INDUSTRY call for proposals As part of the European project ReMade@ARI, we are very pleased to announce that call for all industries is currently open. ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures) is funded by the EU...
ReMade@ARI’s call for proposals As part of the European project ReMade@ARI, we are very pleased to announce that ReMade@ARI’s Call for pre-proposals and standard proposals has been opened recently. ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical...