Complementary Facilities
The optical laboratoy has several experimental techniques for the analysis of the irradiated materials.
Prism-coupling for optical waveguide characterization:
With this technique the effective refractive index of the propagating modes of a wave guide is measured. From this measurement the in-depth refractive index profile of the waveguide is determined. Optical propagation losses can also be determined by using a CCD camera to measure and analyze the out-scattering light.
Optical reflectance and transmittance:
A home-made system is available built using a white light (UV-VIS range) and optical fibers to send the light at the samples which, optionally, can be heated at to 400 ºC in a plate-like furnace. There are two possible detectors: a compact spectrometer Ocean Q65000 (λ: 200-900 nm) and a high resolution espectrometer Andor-SR500i with and high sensitivity ANDOR Newton camera detector (λ: 200-1000 nm).
Raman spectroscopy is also available at 532 nm wavelength using the ANDOR Newton spectometer .
Ellipsometer Woolam M2000 (wavelength range: 200-1000 nm) for fast parallel multichannel measurements (integration time < 1s).
All these portable equipments can be used for in-situ optical measurement during ion irradiation.
- Dual Magnetron sputtering system
- Veeco Dektak 150 surface Perfilometer
- Emitech Sputter Gold Coater and CA7625 Carbon accessory
- Telstar Cryodos Freeze dryer
- Leica CM 1510S cryotome
- CO2 Biological cells incubator
- Nikon SMZ800 Binocular Microscope
- Nikon Eclipse ME600 Binocular Microscope
- Struers Roto-vol 35 polishing machine
- ATA Brillant 250 diamond saw
- Carbolite 1200 C electric oven
- Marssen 15 tons press