Complementary Facilities


The optical laboratoy has several experimental techniques for the analysis of the irradiated materials.

Prism-coupling for optical waveguide characterization:

With this technique the effective refractive index of the propagating modes of a wave guide is measured. From this measurement the in-depth refractive index profile of the waveguide is determined. Optical propagation losses can also be determined by using a CCD camera to measure and analyze the out-scattering light.

Optical reflectance and transmittance:

A home-made system is available built using a white light (UV-VIS range) and optical fibers to send the light at the samples which, optionally, can be heated at to 400 ºC in a plate-like furnace. There are two possible detectors: a compact spectrometer Ocean Q65000 (λ: 200-900 nm) and a high resolution espectrometer Andor-SR500i with and high sensitivity ANDOR Newton camera detector (λ: 200-1000 nm).

Raman spectroscopy is also available at 532 nm wavelength using the ANDOR Newton spectometer .

Ellipsometer Woolam M2000 (wavelength range: 200-1000 nm) for fast parallel multichannel measurements (integration time < 1s).

All these portable equipments can be used for in-situ optical measurement during ion irradiation.

optical home-made system

lab optica


There is available at CMAM an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) from Nanotec Electronica (Dulcinea System, operated using WSxM software).

Recent characterization of materials surfaces using CMAM AFM:

Characterization of Biomedical Ti alloys modified by Ion irradiation

AFM images

From left to right: AFM images of TiAlV alloys after micropatterned irradiation using 5 MeV Si ions and subsequent HF:EtOH chemical etching with: left 1:1, middle 1:2 and right 1:4 solutions.
From: R. López Nebreda. Master Thesis (June 2018).

Characterization of 2D Materials

AFM 2D Materials

AFM image and height profile of a typical MoTe2 platelet grown by tellurization of MoO2. From: O. de Melo, et al. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 6799.

  • Dual Magnetron sputtering system
  • Veeco Dektak 150 surface Perfilometer
  • Emitech Sputter Gold Coater and CA7625 Carbon accessory
  • Telstar Cryodos Freeze dryer
  • Leica CM 1510S cryotome
  • CO2 Biological cells incubator
  • Nikon SMZ800 Binocular Microscope
  • Nikon Eclipse ME600 Binocular Microscope
  • Struers Roto-vol 35 polishing machine
  • ATA Brillant 250 diamond saw
  • Carbolite 1200 C electric oven
  • Marssen 15 tons press