Complementary Services (RLab-017)

This laboratory houses a series of auxiliary laboratories for the preparation and / or complementary characterization of samples.

CMAM offers open access to academic and industrial users. Access may be requested via the CMAM beamtime application, with the corresponding access fees which are named on this page. Industrial users are invited to contact directly to express their experimental needs to obtain further information by sending an email to

AFM images
AFM 2D Materials
image instrumentation to manage a laser


GastónGarcía LópezScientific manager
AbdennacerNakbiTechnical team coordinator
AntonioRodriguez NievaAccelerator technician
JorgeAlvarez EcheniqueIT support specialist, web development, communication and outreach
DavidSamblas MartínezBL support and Operator
SunilkumarBeamtime cordinator and Postdoctoral researcher
VicenteGarcía TávoraDevelopment Engineer


  • Profilometry measurements
  • Optical ellipsometry measurements
  • Laser processing
  • Sample topography by Atomic Force microscopy
  • Sample preparation


  • Ellipsometer Woolam M2000 (wavelength range: 200-1000 nm) for fast parallel multichannel measurements (integration time < 1s).
  • Veeco Dektak 150 surface Perfilometer
  • Femtosecond pulsed laser (Spectra Physics Solstice ACE model, regenerative amplifier). The laser delivers 100 fs pulses of 6mJ/pulse, at 1 kHz repetition rate and 800 nm wavelength
  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) from Nanotec Electronica (Dulcinea System, operated using WSxM software).
  • Sample preparation Lab


CMAM members + UAM usersUAM-CSIC centers and institutesNational and International OPI´sPrivate users and Companies
USE OF INSTRUMENTATION *0€/h0€/h62€/h350€/h

* subject to prior training


Mailing Address

Centro de Microanálisis de Materiales
C/ Faraday 3,
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Campus de Cantoblanco
E-28049, Madrid, Spain
Office Hours Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 20:00 p.m.

Phone number
(+34) 91 497 3621 (Switch Board)

Scientific & Technical contact
Gastón García López,
Tel: +34 91 497 2791

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