Seminar at the accelerator – Raúl Gago (ICMM-CSIC)

Speaker: Raúl Gago (ICMM-CSIC)

Title: Correlation Between Composition and Phase Formation in Sputtered Metal Oxide Films by Ion-Beam Analysis and X-Ray Absorption

Abstract: Metal oxides (MOX) are relevant materials in different technological applications. The corresponding properties of MOX depend strongly on the specific phase formation present in polymorphic materials (e.g., anatase and rutile in titanium dioxide) or when comprising multivalent cations (Cr-O, Sn-O, etc.). In this talk, I will present a correlation between the composition and phase formation of several relevant MOX by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and X-ray Near Edge Absorption Spectroscopy (XANES), respectively. The XANES technique provides relevant information about phase formation in the case of disordered structures, where such information is not easily accessible by X-ray diffraction, or in multielemental systems (ternary or doped systems) by site-selective analysis. In the latter case, the individual spectral fingerprints of binary phases can be used for identification of bonding environments in such complex systems..