by Fernando Sánchez, Teresa Hernández, Alejandro Moroño and Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal
Fernando Sánchez, Teresa Hernández, Alejandro Moroño and Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, “Silicon carbide, a coating for tritium breeders based on liquid lithium”, Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop, vol. Chapter 4.1, pp. 37.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{sanchez_silicon_2024, title = {Silicon carbide, a coating for tritium breeders based on liquid lithium}, volume = {Chapter 4.1}, url = {}, journal = {Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop}, author = {Sánchez, Fernando and Hernández, Teresa and Moroño, Alejandro and Gonzalez-Arrabal, Raquel}, month = nov, year = {2024}, pages = {37}, }