by Ramos, M. A., Kabtoul, B. and Hassaine, M.
In this work, we review and concurrently discuss earlier and recent experiments performed on simple aliphatic glass-forming monoalcohols at low temperatures. By doing this, we find an interesting model system to explore different relevant issues concerning molecular glass-forming liquids and even the glass transition phenomenon itself. They include the role played by the molecular aspect ratio in vitrification/crystallisation kinetics, the reported appearance of particular cases of polymorphism and polyamorphism, and the influence of chemical isomerism and the location of the hydrogen bond on lattice dynamics and, hence, on low-temperature properties of glasses.
Calorimetric and thermodynamic study of glass-forming monohydroxy alcohols (Ramos, M. A., Kabtoul, B. and Hassaine, M.), In Philosophical Magazine, volume 91, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{ramos_calorimetric_2011, title = {Calorimetric and thermodynamic study of glass-forming monohydroxy alcohols}, volume = {91}, issn = {1478-6435}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/14786435.2010.526649}, abstract = {In this work, we review and concurrently discuss earlier and recent experiments performed on simple aliphatic glass-forming monoalcohols at low temperatures. By doing this, we find an interesting model system to explore different relevant issues concerning molecular glass-forming liquids and even the glass transition phenomenon itself. They include the role played by the molecular aspect ratio in vitrification/crystallisation kinetics, the reported appearance of particular cases of polymorphism and polyamorphism, and the influence of chemical isomerism and the location of the hydrogen bond on lattice dynamics and, hence, on low-temperature properties of glasses.}, number = {13-15}, urldate = {2021-07-13}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine}, author = {Ramos, M. A. and Kabtoul, B. and Hassaine, M.}, month = may, year = {2011}, note = {No CMAM}, keywords = {glass transition, specific heat, crystallisation kinetics, molecular glasses, monohydroxy alcohols, polymorphism}, pages = {1847--1856}, file = {Snapshot:E:\Usuarios\Administrator\Zotero\storage\FP7F72ZP\14786435.2010.html:text/html;Versión enviada:E:\Usuarios\Administrator\Zotero\storage\WHA5QKIJ\Ramos et al. - 2011 - Calorimetric and thermodynamic study of glass-form.pdf:application/pdf}, }