by D. Pastor, J. Olea, A. Muñoz-Martín, A. Climent-Font, I. Mártil and G. González-Díaz
We have analyzed by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) the Ti lattice location and the degree of crystalline lattice recovery in heavily Ti implanted silicon layers subsequently pulsed laser melted (PLM). Theoretical studies have predicted that Ti should occupy interstitial sites in silicon for a metallic-intermediate band (IB) formation. The analysis of Ti lattice location after PLM processes is a crucial point to evaluate the IB formation that can be clarifyied by means of RBS measurements. After PLM, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements show that the Ti concentration in the layers is well above the theoretical limit for IB formation. RBS measurements have shown a significant improvement of the lattice quality at the highest PLM energy density studied. The RBS channeling spectra reveals clearly that after PLM processes Ti impurities are mostly occupying interstitial lattice sites.
D. Pastor, J. Olea, A. Muñoz-Martín, A. Climent-Font, I. Mártil and G. González-Díaz, “Interstitial Ti for intermediate band formation in Ti-supersaturated silicon”, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 112, no. 11, pp. 113514.
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Interstitial {Ti} for intermediate band formation in {Ti}-supersaturated silicon},
	volume = {112},
	issn = {0021-8979},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1063/1.4768274},
	abstract = {We have analyzed by means of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) the Ti lattice location and the degree of crystalline lattice recovery in heavily Ti implanted silicon layers subsequently pulsed laser melted (PLM). Theoretical studies have predicted that Ti should occupy interstitial sites in silicon for a metallic-intermediate band (IB) formation. The analysis of Ti lattice location after PLM processes is a crucial point to evaluate the IB formation that can be clarifyied by means of RBS measurements. After PLM, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements show that the Ti concentration in the layers is well above the theoretical limit for IB formation. RBS measurements have shown a significant improvement of the lattice quality at the highest PLM energy density studied. The RBS channeling spectra reveals clearly that after PLM processes Ti impurities are mostly occupying interstitial lattice sites.},
	number = {11},
	urldate = {2017-10-10},
	journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
	author = {Pastor, D. and Olea, J. and Muñoz-Martín, A. and Climent-Font, A. and Mártil, I. and González-Díaz, G.},
	month = dec,
	year = {2012},
	pages = {113514},
	file = {Full Text PDF:E:\cmam_papers\files\1195\Pastor et al. - 2012 - Interstitial Ti for intermediate band formation in.pdf:application/pdf;Full Text PDF:E:\Usuarios\Administrator\Zotero\storage\ATN5J5IT\Pastor et al. - 2012 - Interstitial Ti for intermediate band formation in.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:E:\cmam_papers\files\1199\1.html:text/html;Snapshot:E:\Usuarios\Administrator\Zotero\storage\UVLV5PND\1.html:text/html},