by Enguita O., Fernandez-Jimenez M.T., García G., Climent-Font A., Calderón T. and Grime G.W.
Enguita O., Fernandez-Jimenez M.T., García G., Climent-Font A., Calderón T. and Grime G.W., “The new external microbeam facility at the 5 MV tandetron accelerator laboratory in Madrid: beam characterization and first results”, Oral Contribution, XVI International Conference on Ion Beam Analisis, Albuquerque, U.S.A.
Bibtex Entry:
@misc{o_new_2003, address = {XVI International Conference on Ion Beam Analisis, Albuquerque, U.S.A}, type = {Oral {Contribution}}, title = {The new external microbeam facility at the 5 {MV} tandetron accelerator laboratory in {Madrid}: beam characterization and first results}, shorttitle = {({IBA2003})}, author = {O., , Enguita and M.T., , Fernandez-Jimenez and G., , García and A., , Climent-Font and T., , Calderón and G.W., , Grime}, month = jul, year = {2003}, }