by Guillermo and Anselm Eric Martin, Thibaut and Moulin Thibaut Seure, Alain and Jocou Laurent Delboulbe and Nadege and Caballero Olga Bodin Courjal
Guillermo and Anselm Eric Martin, Thibaut and Moulin Thibaut Seure, Alain and Jocou Laurent Delboulbe and Nadege and Caballero Olga Bodin Courjal, “Single-mode LiNbO3 based waveguides for L-band interferometry”, Marsella, 2008.
Bibtex Entry:
@misc{martin_guillermo_single-mode_2008, address = {Marsella}, type = {Poster contribution}, title = {Single-mode {LiNbO3} based waveguides for {L}-band interferometry}, shorttitle = {{SPIE} 2008}, author = {{Martin, Guillermo} and {Anselm, Eric} and {Seure, Thibaut} and {Moulin, Thibaut} and {Delboulbe, Alain} and {Jocou, Laurent} and {Bodin Courjal, Nadege} and {Caballero, Olga} and {Olivares, Jose}}, month = jun, year = {2008}, }