by Alcorta Moreno M., Kirsebom O., Borge M.J.G., Fulton B.R., Fynbo H.O.U., H.B. and Jonson B. Jeppesen, M. and Nilsson T. Madurga and G. and Riisager K. Nyman
Alcorta Moreno M., Kirsebom O., Borge M.J.G., Fulton B.R., Fynbo H.O.U., H.B. and Jonson B. Jeppesen, M. and Nilsson T. Madurga and G. and Riisager K. Nyman, “Nuclear structure of 12C from breakup studies in complete kinematics”, Poster contribution, 16th Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Leuven, Belgium.
Bibtex Entry:
@misc{m_nuclear_2009, address = {16th Euroschool on Exotic Beams, Leuven, Belgium}, type = {Poster contribution}, title = {Nuclear structure of {12C} from breakup studies in complete kinematics}, author = {M., , Alcorta Moreno and O., , Kirsebom and M.J.G., , Borge and B.R., , Fulton and H.O.U., , Fynbo and {Jeppesen, H.B.} and {Jonson, B.} and {Madurga, M.} and {Nilsson, T.} and {Nyman, G.} and {Riisager, K.} and {Tengblad, O.}}, month = sep, year = {2009}, }