by L. Laidani, H. Ullah, F. Marchetti, M. Scarpa, E. Rossi, E. Moser, R. Pérez Casero, R. Bartali and G. Gottardi
L. Laidani, H. Ullah, F. Marchetti, M. Scarpa, E. Rossi, E. Moser, R. Pérez Casero, R. Bartali and G. Gottardi, “Graphene and metal oxide (Nb205 an Tio2) interaction; Strain and surface transfer doping study”, Oral Contribution, European Material Research Society Spreeng Meeting, Lille, France.
Bibtex Entry:
	address = {European Material Research Society Spreeng Meeting, Lille, France},
	type = {Oral {Contribution}},
	title = {Graphene and metal oxide ({Nb205} an {Tio2}) interaction; {Strain} and surface transfer doping study},
	author = {L. Laidani and H. Ullah and F. Marchetti and M. Scarpa and E. Rossi and E. Moser and R. Pérez Casero and R. Bartali and G. Gottardi},
	year = {2019},