by Gallego J.M., Grachev S.Y., Gonzalez-Arrabal R., Yndurain F., Boerma D.O. and Miranda R.
Gallego J.M., Grachev S.Y., Gonzalez-Arrabal R., Yndurain F., Boerma D.O. and Miranda R., “Understanding the p4g reconstruction of a magnetic surface”, Oral Contribution, VIII European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics, Segovia, Spain.
Bibtex Entry:
@misc{jm_understanding_2004, address = {VIII European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics, Segovia, Spain}, type = {Oral {Contribution}}, title = {Understanding the p4g reconstruction of a magnetic surface}, author = {J.M., , Gallego and S.Y., , Grachev and R., , Gonzalez-Arrabal and F., , Yndurain and D.O., , Boerma and R., , Miranda}, month = jul, year = {2004}, }