by E. Punzón Quijorna, V. Sanchez-Vaquero, V. Torres Costa, M. Manso Silván, Palma, R.J. Martín Ruíz, D. Martín Marero and Font
E. Punzón Quijorna, V. Sanchez-Vaquero, V. Torres Costa, M. Manso Silván, Palma, R.J. Martín Ruíz, D. Martín Marero and Font, “Building uniaxial guides for mesenchymal cells, by selectively implanting MeV carbon ions and molecules”, Invited Contribution, European Materials Research Society – EMRS-12.
Bibtex Entry:
	address = {European Materials Research Society - EMRS-12},
	type = {Invited {Contribution}},
	title = {Building uniaxial guides for mesenchymal cells, by selectively implanting {MeV} carbon ions and molecules},
	author = {E. Punzón Quijorna, and V. Sanchez-Vaquero, and V. Torres Costa, and M. Manso Silván, and Palma, and R.J. Martín Ruíz, and D. Martín Marero, and Font,},
	month = may,
	year = {2012},