by M. Carrascosa, A. García-Cabañes, M. Jubera, I. Elvira, H. Burgos, J. L. Bella, F. Agulló-López, J. F. Muñoz-Martínez and A. Alcázar
An overview of the work recently conducted by our group on the development and applications of photovoltaic tweezers is presented. It includes the analysis of the physical basis of the method and the main achievements in its experimental implementation. Particular attention will be paid to the main potential applications and first demonstrations of its use in nano- and bio-technology. Specifically: i) fabrication of metallic nanoestructures for plasmonic applications, ii) development of diffractive components, iii) manipulation and patterning (1D and 2D) of various types of bio-objects (spores or pollen…) and iv) effects of PV fields of LiNbO$_{textrm{3}}$ in tumour cells.
M. Carrascosa, A. García-Cabañes, M. Jubera, I. Elvira, H. Burgos, J. L. Bella, F. Agulló-López, J. F. Muñoz-Martínez and A. Alcázar, “Photovoltaic tweezers an emergent tool for applications in nano and bio-technology”, In Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 95290Q.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{carrascosa_photovoltaic_2015, title = {Photovoltaic tweezers an emergent tool for applications in nano and bio-technology}, volume = {9529}, url = {}, doi = {10.1117/12.2186173}, abstract = {An overview of the work recently conducted by our group on the development and applications of photovoltaic tweezers is presented. It includes the analysis of the physical basis of the method and the main achievements in its experimental implementation. Particular attention will be paid to the main potential applications and first demonstrations of its use in nano- and bio-technology. Specifically: i) fabrication of metallic nanoestructures for plasmonic applications, ii) development of diffractive components, iii) manipulation and patterning (1D and 2D) of various types of bio-objects (spores or pollen…) and iv) effects of PV fields of LiNbO$_{textrm{3}}$ in tumour cells.}, urldate = {2017-10-24}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {SPIE} - {The} {International} {Society} for {Optical} {Engineering}}, publisher = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, author = {Carrascosa, M. and García-Cabañes, A. and Jubera, M. and Elvira, I. and Burgos, H. and Bella, J. L. and Agulló-López, F. and Muñoz-Martínez, J. F. and Alcázar, A.}, month = jun, year = {2015}, pages = {95290Q}, file = {Snapshot:E:\cmam_papers\files\1343\12.2186173.html:text/html;Snapshot:E:\Usuarios\Administrator\Zotero\storage\KKQ39T2U\12.2186173.html:text/html}, }