Papers 2024
2024 | |
1. | J. T. Graham, M. L. Crespillo, F. Agulló-López and W. J. Weber, "Near-band-edge transition in SrTiO3 below 100 K: Role of electron-polarons, defects and sample surface", Applied Materials Today, vol. 41, pp. 102494. |
2. | J. L. Sánchez Toural, J. García-Pérez, R. Bernardo-Gavito, D. Granados, A. Andrino-Gómez, G. García, J. L. Pau, M. A. Ramos and N. Gordillo, "Diamond-defect engineering of NV− centers using ion beam irradiation", Diamond and Related Materials, pp. 111838. |
3. | R. Gago, S. Prucnal, J. Azpeitia, I. Jiménez and L. Álvarez-Fraga, "Phase selectivity upon flash-lamp annealing of sputter deposited amorphous titanium oxide films", Ceramics International, vol. 50, no. 23, Part A, pp. 49112–49118. |
4. | Guiomar Delgado Soria and Maria Gonzalez, "Revealing the importance of the SIMS technique for the materials characterization", Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop, vol. Chapter 1.2, pp. 13. |
5. | Fernando Sánchez, Teresa Hernández, Alejandro Moroño and Raquel Gonzalez-Arrabal, "Silicon carbide, a coating for tritium breeders based on liquid lithium", Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop, vol. Chapter 4.1, pp. 37. |
6. | Marcelo Roldán, Jose Fernando Sánchez and Rafael Vila, "Synergistic effect of irradiation damage under high temperature and mechanical deformation on high purity Fe microstructural defects", Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop, vol. Chapter 4.3, pp. 49. |
7. | G García, M. L. Crespillo, M J G Borge, A. Muñoz, J. Olivares, M. D. Ynsa and R. Vila, "CMAM (LAB 171) laboratory report", Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop, vol. Chapter 7.1, pp. 79. |
8. | Jon Aizpuru, Eva Céspedes, José Luis Gómez de la Fuente, Alicia de Andrés, Carlos Prieto, María Retuerto, Sergio Rojas, Samba V. Bueno and Esteban Climent-Pascual, "ZrN-Based Multilayers Prepared by Reactive Sputtering as Coatings for Electrode Plates of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. |
9. | Esther Enriquez, Miguel L. Crespillo, Ovidio Peña-Rodriguez, P. López Reyes, Juan I. Larruquert and Jose Olivares, "High Energy heavy Ion Irradiation Of MgF2 For Improving The Physical Properties for FUV applications", Technofusion_III_CM programme: the extended abstract of the 10º annual workshop, vol. Chapter 2.1, pp. 18. |
10. | A. Fernández García, R. Ariza, J. Solis, F. Agulló-Rueda, M. Manso Silvan and M. Garcia-Lechuga, "Out-of-plane preferential growth of 2D molybdenum diselenide nanosheets on laser-induced periodic surface structures", Applied Surface Science, vol. 669, pp. 160567. |
11. | K. Ben Saddik, M. J. Hernández, M. A. Pampillón, M. Cervera and B. J. García, "On the absorption coefficient of GaP1-xNx layers and its potential application for silicon photovoltaics", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 185, pp. 109011. |
12. | R. Magro Hernández, A. Muñoz-Noval, J. A. Briz, J. R. Murias, A. Espinosa-Rodríguez, L. M. Fraile, F. Agulló-Rueda, M. D. Ynsa, C. Tavares de Sousa, B. Cortés-Llanos, G. García López, E. Nácher, V. García-Tavora, N. Mont i Geli, A. Nerio, V. V. Onecha, M. Pallàs, A. Tarifeño, O. Tengblad, M. Manso Silván and S. Viñals, "Iodine-substituted hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and activation of derived ceramics for range verification in proton therapy", Journal of Materials Chemistry B. |
13. | R. Gonzalez-Arrabal, Y. Mendez-González and J. M. Perlado, "Sputtering fabrication of isolated W nanocolumns: A possible alternative as plasma facing material for nuclear fusion reactors", Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 40, pp. 101704. |
14. | Peijiang Wang, Rafael Morales-Márquez, Gabriel Cervás, Alejandro Hernández Medel, Marina Paris Ogayar, D. Jimenez de Aberasturi, Ana Ines de Isidro-Gomez, Almudena Torres-Pardo, Francisco Javier Palomares, Saül Garcia-Orrit, Célia T. Sousa, Ana Espinosa, Helmut H. Telle, Dirk H. Ortgies, Víctor Vega-Mayoral, Juan Cabanillas-González, Emma Martín Rodríguez, Ute Resch-Genger, K. David Wegner and Beatriz H. Juárez, "The role of temperature in the photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of Ag2S-based nanocrystals", Materials Horizons. |
15. | D. Abejón, P. Prieto, J. K. Kim, A. Redondo-Cubero, M. L. Crespillo, F. Leardini, I. J. Ferrer, G. García and J. R. Ares, "Isothermal hydrogen absorption process of Pd-capped Mg films traced by ion beam techniques and optical methods", Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 3675–3684. |
16. | Olivia Borrell-Grueiro, Yanela Mendez-González, Miguel L. Crespillo, José Olivares, Diego J. Ramos-Ramos, Elena Junquera, Luis Bañares, Andrés Guerrero-Martínez, Antonio Rivera and Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez, "Effects of swift heavy ions on metal nanoparticles embedded in silica: Using linearly polarized light to monitor the elongation kinetics", The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 161, no. 5, pp. 054706. |
17. | M. J. Ramirez-Peral, J. Diaz-Sanchez, A. Galindo, M. L. Crespillo, H. P. van der Meulen, C. Morant, C. Polop and E. Vasco, "Impact of the Li-loss mechanisms inherent to the physical vapor deposition of LiCoO2 cathode on its electrochemical performance", Energy Storage Materials, vol. 71, pp. 103658. |
18. | S. Escrig, C. Rappold, J. Bernabeu, J. Herranz, C. Lacasta Llacer, A. Navarrete, C. Solaz Contell, V. Drodz, H. Ekawa, D. Fernández Ruiz, Y. Gao, M. J. García Borge, V. García Távora, Y. He, S. Horta Muñoz, A. Kasagi, E. Liu, N. Maldonado Gavilán, S. Minami, M. Nakagawa, A. Nerio Aguirre, Á. Perea Martínez, T. R. Saito, J. Sánchez-Prieto, R. Sekiya, M. C. Serna Moreno, Y. K. Tanaka, O. Tengblad, S. Viñals Onsès, H. Wang and A. Yanai, "First test of energy response of the micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 1064, pp. 169392. |
19. | Gabriel López-Peña, Eva Ortiz-Mansilla, Antonio Arranz, Nicoleta Bogdan, Miguel Manso-Silván and Emma Martín Rodríguez, "Non-invasive paper-based sensors containing rare-earth-doped nanoparticles for the detection of D-glucose", Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, vol. 239, pp. 113934. |
20. | Victor Valladolid Onecha, Andrea Espinosa-Rodriguez, José Antonio Briz, Samuel España, Gastón García, Paula Ibáñez, Víctor Martínez Nouvilas, Daniel Sanchez-Parcerisa, Sìlvia Viñals, Jose Manuel Udias and Luis Mario Fraile, "PROMPT-GAMMA RANGE VERIFICATION IN PROTONTHERAPY USING CONTRAST AGENTS", International Journal of Particle Therapy, vol. 12, pp. 100334. |
21. | J. Patiño, J. M García, G. D. Soria and M. González, "The chemical compatibility of oxide ceramic candidates in static PbLi for advanced breeding blanket channel components", Nuclear Materials and Energy, vol. 39, pp. 101682. |
22. | Andrés Redondo-Cubero, John A. Eliades, Antonio Rodríguez, David García-García and Joonkon Kim, "Commissioning of the ERDA-TOF beamline at the ion beam laboratory in Madrid", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 551, pp. 165334. |
23. | R. A. Margraf-O'Neal, M. D. Ynsa, J. Krzywinski, M. L. Ng, J. P. MacArthur, F. Ke, Y. Zhong, S. -K. Mo, P. Pradhan, R. Robles, A. Robert, T. Sato, D. Zhu, A. Halavanau and G. Marcus, "Characterization of a HPHT boron ion-implanted diamond X-ray mirror following high vacuum annealing", Diamond and Related Materials, vol. 146, pp. 111212. |
24. | G. García, D. Llorena, C. Illescas, S. Viñals, L. García, G. Fernández de Barrena Machón, D. Sánchez-Parcerisa and M. D. Ynsa, "Phenomenological toy model for flash effect in proton therapy", The European Physical Journal Plus, vol. 139, no. 6, pp. 479. |
25. | E. Muñoz-Cortés, J. Sánchez-Prieto, B. Zabala, C. Sanchez, E. Flores, A. Flores, E. Roman, J. R. Ares and R. Nevshupa, "Operando exploration of tribochemical decomposition in synthetic FeS2 thin film and mineral iron pyrite", RSC Mechanochemistry, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 196–210. |
26. | A. Andrino-Gómez, M. Moratalla, A. Redondo-Cubero, N. Gordillo and M. A. Ramos, "Low-temperature electrical conductivity of ion-beam irradiated Bi–Sb films", Low Temperature Physics, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 389–395. |
27. | V. V. Onecha, A. Espinosa-Rodriguez, J. A. Briz, S. España, G. Garcia, M. García-Díez, P. Ibáñez, V. M. Nouvilas, D. Sanchez-Parcerisa, J. M. Udías, S. Viñals and L. M. Fraile, "Reaction yields and angular distributions of prompt γ-rays for range verification in proton therapy using 18O", Radiation Physics and Chemistry, vol. 217, pp. 111485. |
28. | D. B. Bonneville, C. E. Osornio-Martinez, M. Dijkstra and S. M. García-Blanco, "High on-chip gain spiral Al$_{\textrm{2}}$O$_{\textrm{3}}$:Er$^{\textrm{3+}}$ waveguide amplifiers", Optics Express, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 15527–15536. |
29. | Francisco Sánchez-Pérez, Olivia Borrell-Grueiro, Alfredo Casasnovas-Melián, Diego J. Ramos-Ramos, Andrés Guerrero-Martínez, Luis Bañares, Alejandro Prada, Felipe J. Valencia, Jorge Kohanoff, Miguel L. Crespillo, José Olivares, Antonio Rivera and Ovidio Peña-Rodríguez, "Formation of hollow silver nanoparticles under irradiation with ultrashort laser pulses", Nanophotonics, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1149–1157. |
30. | Y. Mendez-González, F. Agulló-Rueda, V. Torres-Costa, A. Fernández García, J. D. S. Guerra and M. Manso Silvan, "Influence of the synthesis method on the microstructural properties of Ta modified AgNbO3 ferroelectric thin films", Current Applied Physics, vol. 59, pp. 10–17. |
31. | Guiomar Delgado Soria, María González, Miguel Luis Crespillo, Jesús Sánchez Prieto and Gastón García, "Quantification of secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements by using ion-implanted metallic standards", Surface and Interface Analysis, vol. n/a, no. n/a. |
32. | A. Conde, D. Voces, J. J. de Damborenea and M. A. Arenas, "Composition and growth mechanism of nanoporous anodic fluoride films on stainless steel", Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 369–379. |
33. | Pilar Prieto, Cayetano Hernández-Gómez, Sara Román-Sánchez, Marina París-Ogáyar, Giulio Gorni, José Emilio Prieto and Aida Serrano, "Tailoring the Lithium Concentration in Thin Lithium Ferrite Films Obtained by Dual Ion Beam Sputtering", Nanomaterials, vol. 14, no. 14, pp. 1220. |
34. | Leo Álvarez-Fraga, Raúl Gago, David G. Calatayud, Slawomir Prucnal and Olga Sánchez, "Impact of Silver Incorporation and Flash-Lamp-Annealing on the Photocatalytic Response of Sputtered ZnO Films", Nanomaterials, vol. 14, no. 18, pp. 1519. |
35. | Vital Cruvinel Ferreira-Filho, Beatriz Morais, Bruno J. C. Vieira, João Carlos Waerenborgh, Maria João Carmezim, Csilla Noémi Tóth, Sandra Même, Sara Lacerda, Daniel Jaque, Célia T. Sousa, Maria Paula Cabral Campello and Laura C. J. Pereira, "Influence of SPION Surface Coating on Magnetic Properties and Theranostic Profile", Molecules, vol. 29, no. 8, pp. 1824. |
36. | Abniel Machín, María C. Cotto, Francisco Márquez, Jesús Díaz-Sánchez, Celia Polop and Carmen Morant, "Hydrogen Production and Li-Ion Battery Performance with MoS2-SiNWs-SWNTs@ZnONPs Nanocomposites", Nanomaterials, vol. 14, no. 23, pp. 1911. |
37. | Ana Conde, Daniel Voces, Marina Medel-Plaza, Celia Perales, Ana Isabel de Ávila, John Jairo Aguilera-Correa, Juan Jose de Damborenea, Jaime Esteban, Esteban Domingo and Maria Angeles Arenas, "Fluoride anodic films on stainless-steel fomites to reduce transmission infections", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. e01892–23. |
38. | A. Fernández García, M. Garcia-Lechuga, F. Agulló Rueda, J. Rubio Zuazo and M. Manso Silvan, "Femtosecond laser thinning for resistivity control of tungsten ditelluride thin-films synthesized from sol-gel deposited tungsten oxide", Surfaces and Interfaces, vol. 44, pp. 103668. |
39. | M. Huault, Michael Ehret, Diego de Luis, José Pérez-Hernández, Jon Apiñaniz, José Henares, Sophia Malko, Michaël Touati, Nuria Gordillo, Carolina Neira, Josefine Metzkes, Marvin Reimold, Ulrich Schramm, Karl Zeil, Luis Roso, Giancarlo Gatti and Luca Volpe, "A Scintillator Detector for Spatiospectral Characterization of Proton Beams at High Repetition Rate", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. PP, pp. 1–1. |
40. | S. Markelj, X. Jin, F. Djurabekova, J. Zavašnik, E. Punzón-Quijorna, T. Schwarz- Selinger, M. L. Crespillo, G. García López, F. Granberg, E. Lu, K. Nordlund, A. Šestan and M. Kelemen, "Unveiling the radiation-induced defect production and damage evolution in tungsten using multi-energy Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy in channeling configuration", Acta Materialia, vol. 263, pp. 119499. |