MsC Thesis at CMAM

student working at beamline

New MsC thesis at CMAM on “Procesado novedoso de materiales de interés fotónico mediante sinergias de daño entre iones de alta energía y pulsos láser” has been defended by Sandra Martínez Estevez at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de Córdoba on 27th September 2021.

This master has covered the study of material damage under the incidence of ultra-short laser pulses (100 fs) subjected to previous irradiation with heavy ions of high energy. Specifically, three materials of photonic interest have been studied: Quartz, Sapphire and Lithium Niobate.

This MsC Thesis has been directed by José Olivares Villegas from the “Daza de Valdés” Institute (CSIC) and CMAM member and Jerónimo Ballesteros Pastor from Universidad de Cordoba.