Ionizing radiation Course: applications and safety Ionizing radiation

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The Official College of Physicists (COFIS) organizes a new edition of the Continuing Training course Ionizing Radiation: applications and Safety aimed at students and graduates of Physics or other scientific-technical disciplines with interest in these subjects.

The main objective of the course is to improve the preparation of students for the future development of a professional career in the field of radiological protection or radiation applications.

Like previous editions, this course is carried out in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), the National Radioactive Waste Company (ENRESA), the Women in Nuclear association (WiN), the Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda University Hospital of Madrid, the Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica (CSIC) and the Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN), with experienced speakers from all these entities.

The content of the course is about the physics of radiation and its industrial, energy and health applications, as well as radiological protection and safety and radioactive waste. These subjects will be developed in person and intensively on Fridays from March 7 to March 28 at the UAM and with various guided visits to facilities of interest, such as the Micro-Analysis of Materials Centre, which has an electrostatic ion accelerator with a maximum terminal voltage of 5 MV.

Information and registration

Full course programme

Reduced course programme

Speakers dossier