Emails y teléfonos de interés

Áreas comunes y Laboratorios

LAB - DESPACHOExt ( +34 91 497-)
AC - Lab23620
AC - Lab13605
AC - Lab1 - Instrumentation3362
AC - LOMA Lab3624
AC - Photonics Lab3086
AC - Acc Hall 13610
AC - Acc Hall 23609
AC - Control room3607
AC - Control room (Standard line)3608
AC - CPD room3692
AC - Clean room3084
AC - Sputtering3085
AC - Assembly workshop3026
AC - Photocopy room7436
AC - LASER5922

Teléfonos de interés del CMAM

Centralita+34 91 497 36 21
Operador61477 (ext.)
+34 674 08 69 01

Emails útiles del CMAM

Radiological Protection
Safety coordinator
Responsible Beamlines
Industry or companies
IT service
Communication and outreach
List of students 1
List of students 2
Guided Visit
CMAM members
Scientific staff
Fusion Materials Unit - CIEMAT
ELYSE group (UAM)
Nuclear physic group (IEM)


Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), Campus de Cantoblanco,
C/ Faraday 3, 28049, Madrid, Spain

Tel.: +34 91 497 3621