by Gordillo N., Gonzalez-Arrabal R. and Martín y Marero R.
Gordillo N., Gonzalez-Arrabal R. and Martín y Marero R., “A Study of the Coulomb Explosion of High Energy Ions by Comparing Computing Simulations and Experiments”, Oral Contribution, Channeling 2008 “Charged and Neutral Particles Channelling Phenomena, Erice, Italy,.
Bibtex Entry:
@misc{n_study_2008, address = {Channeling 2008 “Charged and Neutral Particles Channelling Phenomena, Erice, Italy,}, type = {Oral {Contribution}}, title = {A {Study} of the {Coulomb} {Explosion} of {High} {Energy} {Ions} by {Comparing} {Computing} {Simulations} and {Experiments}}, author = {N., , Gordillo and R., , Gonzalez-Arrabal and R., , Martín y Marero}, month = oct, year = {2008}, }