by Jiménez Riobóo, R. J., Kabtoul, B. and Ramos, M. A.
Ethanol shows a complex scenario of different crystalline phases in the temperature range between its glass transition at Tg = 97 K and its melting point at Tm = 159 K. Brillouin spectroscopy has revealed capable of observing and assessing acoustic phonon changes related to these phase transitions between different crystalline phases (either a plastic-crystal phase or different monoclinic phases). By combining this technique and calorimetric experimental data, we are able to corroborate the existence of at least two stable and two metastable (monoclinic) crystalline phases of pure ethanol.
Crystalline phase transitions and acoustic phonons behaviour of polymorphic ethanol (Jiménez Riobóo, R. J., Kabtoul, B. and Ramos, M. A.), In The European Physical Journal B, volume 71, 2009.
Bibtex Entry:
	title = {Crystalline phase transitions and acoustic phonons behaviour of polymorphic ethanol},
	volume = {71},
	issn = {1434-6036},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1140/epjb/e2009-00271-7},
	abstract = {Ethanol shows a complex scenario of different crystalline phases in the temperature range between its glass transition at Tg = 97 K and its melting point at Tm = 159 K. Brillouin spectroscopy has revealed capable of observing and assessing acoustic phonon changes related to these phase transitions between different crystalline phases (either a plastic-crystal phase or different monoclinic phases). By combining this technique and calorimetric experimental data, we are able to corroborate the existence of at least two stable and two metastable (monoclinic) crystalline phases of pure ethanol.},
	language = {en},
	number = {1},
	urldate = {2021-07-13},
	journal = {The European Physical Journal B},
	author = {Jiménez Riobóo, R. J. and Kabtoul, B. and Ramos, M. A.},
	month = aug,
	year = {2009},
	note = {No CMAM},
	pages = {41},
	file = {Springer Full Text PDF:E:\Usuarios\Administrator\Zotero\storage\EPI82ZUK\Jiménez Riobóo et al. - 2009 - Crystalline phase transitions and acoustic phonons.pdf:application/pdf},