Seminar at the accelerator – Joaquín Barrio (SECYR-UAM)

Speaker: Joaquín Barrio (SECYR-UAM)

Title: Contribution of ion beam analysis in archeometry. SECYR experiences at CMAM

Abstract: This seminar is about the usefulness of IBA techniques in the field of archaeometry. Some case of studies which have been raised by the SECYR will be reviewed to characterize these compositional materials for their scientific and technological knowledge and the purpose of their conservation/restoration. Some cases of interest have been the analyses of Andalusian gold and silver objects, Roman golden objects, copper, silver, bronze and gold coins, medieval glazed enamels, and Greek and Roman glass, etc., all of them within research projects R+D+I and restoration intervention undertaken by the SECYR since its creation in 2006. This highlights the intense relationship between the two laboratories.

The seminar will take place at CMAM meeting room but it can also be followed virtually through Ms Teams