XXIV Science Week & Innovation at UAM’s accelerator

XXIV Science week flyer
CMAM is going to participate once more in the Science week, organizing an open days to show the accelerator hosted at the “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”. This activity includes a visit to the hall of the accelerator to explain the research conducted with the ion accelerator at CMAM and its operation. In addition, we will also organize a workshop “De la Teoría a la Práctica: Navegando el Mundo de los Materiales”. The two activities is going to take place in November 6th, in four shifts:

Guided visit + Workshop (12-15 places)

  • Session 1: 10:00 – 11:00h
    Visitors will be put in context of the particularities of this center with different audiovisual media. An experiment will be carried out on the identification of metals by flame, where visitors will observe the characteristic colors of the flames of some metals, and which reflects one of the methods used during the identification of elements in ancient times.
  • Session 2: 11:00 – 12:00h
    A visit to the hall of the accelerator will be done to explain the research conducted with the ion accelerator at CMAM and its operation. A real experiment will be carried out in the accelerator on different luminescent materials and it will be shown how we can get the information from them.

Guided visit

  • Guided visit: 12:00 – 13:00h (40 places)
  • Guided visit: 15:00 – 16:00h (40 places)
  • Guided visit: 16:00 – 17:00h (40 places)
  • Guided visit: 17:00 – 18:00h (40 places)

For more information about this event, you can visit the website about the Science week’s activities or you can follow it on our RRSS.

If you are interested in these activities, you must fill the next form:

Open and fill out the application form (The form is closed)