
Vacancy available at CMAM: Laboratory Technician
The Autonomous University of Madrid has made a public call for the contract of a laboratory technician for Community of Madrid, within the program "Development of the center for fusion technologies (TECHNOFUSION III)" with reference S2018/EMT-4437 . In the following link you can access all the information about the public call. Applications will...

Vacancy available at CMAM: Researcher to contribute to the project ReMade@ARI
The Autonomous University of Madrid has made a public call for the position at the Centre for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM) for a researcher to contribute to the project RECYCLABLE MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT AT ANALYTICAL RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES (REMADE@ARI) ID 101058414, CALL HORIZONINFRA-2021-SERV-01 The contract is offered until the end of the...

New book about Map of Unique Science and Technology Infrastructures (ICTS)
The term Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) refers to facilities, resources or services necessary for the development of cutting-edge research of the highest quality, as well as for knowledge transmission, exchange and preservation, technology transfer and innovation promotion. They are unique or exceptional in their kind,...

Vacancy available at CMAM: Laboratory Technician
The Autonomous University of Madrid has made a public call for the contract of several research assistants and laboratory technicians for Community of Madrid, within the program "Youth employment program of the Autonomous Community of Madrid" . Through this program there is a vacancy available at CMAM with reference PEJ-2021-TL/IND-22599. In the...

CMAM takes part in the annual meetig of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS) of Spain
The directors of the Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM) and the National Center for Accelerators (CNA) participated on 7th September in the annual meeting of the Map of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS), which are large facilities dedicated to cutting-edge research in Spain. The directors of the 29 Unique Scientific...

Open Administration Week 2022
The Materials Micro-Analysis Center (CMAM) of the Autonomous University of Madrid who has recently been recognized as a Singular Scientific-Technical Facility (ICTS), joining the ICTS map in coordination with the National Accelerator Center (CNA) of Seville , makes its scientific facility known to the public at the open day as part of the...

CMAM becomes part of the singular scientific-technical facilities map
The Materials Micro-Analysis Center (CMAM) of the Autonomous University of Madrid has recently been recognized as a Singular Scientific-Technical Facility (ICTS), joining the ICTS map in coordination with the National Accelerator Center (CNA) of Seville . The ICTS make large, unique or exceptional infrastructures available to the scientific...

The third edition of the course Introduction to the scientific career: Academy and Company
The third edition of the course Introduction to the scientific career: Academy and Company is now open for registration This course is organized by CMAM researchers Andrés Redondo and Nuria Gordillo and designed for Master and PhD students. It offers...

New MsC Thesis at CMAM
New MsC Thesis at CMAM on “Evolución del daño en zafiro (Al2O3) para su uso en aplicaciones fotónicas mediante la irradiación de iones pesados y energéticos” has been defended by Blanca de Castro Clemente at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on 21st February 2022. This project is part of the Master in...

“Partículas Celtíberas” short film
The Center for Microanalysis of Materials (CMAM) of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) brings to light the short film “Partículas Celtíberas”. The work, a finalist in several scientific film festivals, shows how archaeological research is carried out with a particle accelerator. You can enjoy it and share it or leave us your likes or...

Focus Point on Small and Medium Particle Accelerator Facilities in Europe
Small and Medium Particle Accelerator Facilities (SMPAF) play a very important role in the landscape of European research. They can accelerate a variety of atomic nuclei, at energies in the MeV range, and have a cross-disciplinary application field. In most cases, they are open to external users, so a proper knowledge by the community of the...

MsC Thesis at CMAM
New MsC thesis at CMAM on "Procesado novedoso de materiales de interés fotónico mediante sinergias de daño entre iones de alta energía y pulsos láser" has been defended by Sandra Martínez Estevez at the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad de Córdoba on 27th September 2021. This master has covered the study of material damage under the...

New graduation work at CMAM
New Graduation work at CMAM on “Simulación y análisis de la implantación con iones de alta energía” has been defended by Jaime Calvo Barrio at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on September 2021. This work has covered ion implantation like a technique that consists of the ions acceleration of a chosen...

The resgistration to the 6th edition of the International Summer School series (INFIERI 2021) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid is opened. The CMAM will participate in the 6th Summer School on Intelligent Signal Processing for Frontier Research and Industry, together with other laboratories and institutions such as Facultad de Ciencias UAM,...

The 2nd edition of the introduction course to the scientific career
The second edition of the course Introduction to the scientific career: Academy and Company is now open for registration This course is organized by researchers Andrés Redondo and Nuria Gordillo, and designed for Master...

CMAM in detail
The European Physical Journal Plus has recently published the Focus Point on “Small and Medium Particle Accelerator Facilities in Europe”, devoted to show the current status and enhancements of ion beam labs acrossEurope. Some of the most renown centres contribute to this special issue, providing an excellent panorama of the ion beam techniques...

VII Edition of the Justiniano Casas Prize for a CMAM Researcher
Dr. Mario García Lechuga, CMAM researcher, wan the first prize of the VII Edition of the Justiniano Casas Prize for Research in Optical Imaging, for the work related to his doctoral thesis entitled "Time-resolved imaging techniques applied to femtosecond laser material processing" , directed by Dr. Francisco Javier Solís Céspedes and Dr. Jan...

CMAM in “conocienco la UAM”
Dr Gastón García, CMAM director, was in Conociendo la UAM presenting the Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales (CMAM), which is a unique research infrastructure of the Autonomous University of Madrid. The Autonomous University of Madrid has launched the initiative #ConociendoLaUAM in times of Coronavirus, where it wants to put the knowledge of...

Going to the heaviest: First acceleration of Lead beams at CMAM
The aim was to optimize the machine to the maximum and check whether we were able to characterize the isotopic composition of a target used in an experiment at ISOLDE (CERN) for studies of the scattering of halo nuclei. At CMAM we prepared two sputtering targets one of enriched 208Pb (Z=82) (97.85% of 208Pb)mixed with silver and the other with...

CMAM has entered into the RADIATE project
CMAM has contributed in the last 17 years to a large number of researches demanding ion beam techniques for analysis and modification of materials. Our facility consists on a 5 MV tandem linear accelerator and 6 beam lines under operation. Many fields had benefit from this, such as material science, energy, environmental sciences, health, and...

CMAM has started up again his accelerator
CMAM has started up again his accelerator under a reduced special operation mode accepting internal experiments and maintenance, only small tasks with limited teams. While the majority of the staff is tele-working, CMAM is proceeding to a controlled and careful restart of the activities which must be realized on site. Only activities which can be...

CMAM takes part in the round table “Hombres, Dioses, Guerreros”
Carolina Gutiérrez Neira, researcher at the Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materials (CMAM), takes part in the round table “Hombres, Dioses, Guerreros. Culto al héroe y los cinturones áureos en la antigüedad” with the presentation of the archeometric study on a gold funeral belt from the early Hellenistic period, which was carried out with ion beam...

Gastón García, newly appointed director of the UAM’s Centre for Microanalysis of Materials
Dr Gastón García is taking over the direction of the Centre for Microanalysis of Materials with the aim of converting it into an international multidisciplinary centre for education and research and as a meeting point between institutions. Follow this link to read an interview with Dr Gastón García.