New MsC Thesis at CMAM

New MsC Thesis at CMAM on “Evolución del daño en zafiro (Al2O3) para su uso en aplicaciones fotónicas mediante la irradiación de iones pesados y energéticos” has been defended by Blanca de Castro Clemente at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on 21st February 2022.
This project is part of the Master in Nuclear Science and Technology and it has been carried out at the Centro de Micro-Analisis de Materiales (CMAM) at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. The sapphire material has been irradiated with different ions for its subsequent characterization by optical and structural techniques (RBS-c) and to analyze the damage suffered after irradiation and the possibility of observing optical waveguides by means of electronic braking power.
This work has been directed by José Olivares Villegas (CMAM-CSIC), Ovidio Peña Rodríguez from IFN (UPM) and Miguel Crespillo Almenara (CMAM).