New graduation work at CMAM

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New Graduation work at CMAM on “Simulación y análisis de la implantación con iones de alta energía” has been defended by Jaime Calvo Barrio at the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on September 2021.

This work has covered ion implantation like a technique that consists of the ions acceleration of a chosen element, up to a certain energy, entering on a target and being implanted, modifying the material and providing it with new properties.

Four different cases of implantation have been done: Gold of 1.5 MeV implanted in a silicon substrate, 4 MeV gold implanted in a silicon dioxide (SiO2) substrate, 1 MeV iodine implanted in a sapphire substrate (Al2O3), and Nickel of 600 keV implanted in a silicon substrate. 

The conditions of these implantations were simulated by two different programs, SRIM and Strata, which gave the necessary information to make a comparison later with the experimental data obtained from the Center for Micro-Analysis of Materials (CMAM) of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

This Graduation work has been directed by Ovidio Peña Rodríguez from IFN (UPM) and Miguel Luis Crespillo from CMAM (UAM).