Accelerator-Based Application Infrastructure (IABA)
IABA is a distributed Singular Scientific-Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) called Accelerator-Based Application Infrastructure.
This distributed ICTS makes available to the scientific and industrial community the best set of instruments in linear accelerators, whose field of study covers biomedicine, materials sciences, pharmacology, environmental sciences and physics and instrumentation nuclear, among others.
IABA is formed by two nodes, the National Accelerator Center (CNA) and the Materials Micro-Analysis Center (CMAM).
The practical aspects of the operation of the IABA Infrastructure are regulated in a regulation that can be found HERE. In this regulation, as well as in the distributed ICTS formation agreement, both entities undertake to provide a minimum of 20% of the access capacity of the essential facilities/services of the nodes that will be offered through competitive open access.
User access to IABA will be coordinated within the scope of the complementarity for both nodes, so excluding the coordination of the CNA infrastructures not related to the Tandem accelerator and its lines.
There will be a common access portal to IABA in which the various lines available for users of the 3MV CNA and 5MV CMAM accelerators will be offered.