Going to the heaviest: First acceleration of Lead beams at CMAM
The aim was to optimize the machine to the maximum and check whether we were able to characterize the isotopic composition of a target used in an experiment at ISOLDE (CERN) for studies of the scattering of halo nuclei.
At CMAM we prepared two sputtering targets one of enriched 208Pb (Z=82) (97.85% of 208Pb)mixed with silver and the other with natural lead (206Pb (24.1%) + 207Pb (22.1%) + 208Pb (52.4%) and silver. The figure shows the measurements realized October 26th, 2020 where one can clearly see that the three components of natural are perfectly resolved,proving a mass resolution higher than 0.5%.
This result demonstrates for first time the capacity of the instalation to accelerate and separate heavy beams, Z=82. This achievement is due to the good running conditions of the CMAM Facility.