CMAM in detail

article about cmam

The European Physical Journal Plus has recently published the Focus Point on “Small and Medium Particle Accelerator Facilities in Europe”, devoted to show the current status and enhancements of ion beam labs acrossEurope. Some of the most renown centres contribute to this special issue, providing an excellent panorama of the ion beam techniques in our continent.

The CMAM, together with other Iberian facilities such as CNA (Sevilla) or IST (Lisbon), has participated in this issue with the article Current status and future developments of the ion beam facility at the centre of micro-analysis of materials in Madrid.

In this paper the main equipments of our facility are described with detail, including the most advanced techniques and beam lines. Our accelerator is a very versatile machine for applications such as advanced materials, energy or health. Ourfacility highlights because of the high-energy heavy ions (either for implantation or for characterization) and the use of microbeams (both in vacuum and in air). Thanks to these resources, the CMAM will continue offering sophisticated techniques to the external users in the next years.

For those interested in knowing more about CMAM, a new virtual visit was released in our Youtube cannel and it is accessible in this link.