CMAM in “conocienco la UAM” Dr Gastón García, CMAM director, was in Conociendo la UAM presenting the Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales (CMAM), which is a unique research infrastructure of the Autonomous University of Madrid. The Autonomous University...
Going to the heaviest: First acceleration of Lead beams at CMAM The aim was to optimize the machine to the maximum and check whether we were able to characterize the isotopic composition of a target used in an experiment at ISOLDE (CERN) for studies of the scattering...
CMAM has entered into the RADIATE project CMAM has contributed in the last 17 years to a large number of researches demanding ion beam techniques for analysis and modification of materials. Our facility consists on a 5 MV tandem linear accelerator and 6 beam lines...
CMAM has started up again his accelerator CMAM has started up again his accelerator under a reduced special operation mode accepting internal experiments and maintenance, only small tasks with limited teams. While the majority of the staff is tele-working, CMAM is...
CMAM takes part in the round table “Hombres, Dioses, Guerreros” Carolina Gutiérrez Neira, researcher at the Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materials (CMAM), takes part in the round table “Hombres, Dioses, Guerreros. Culto al héroe y los cinturones áureos en...