CMAM in “conocienco la UAM”

CMAM in “conocienco la UAM”

CMAM in “conocienco la UAM” Dr Gastón García, CMAM director, was in Conociendo la UAM presenting the Centro de Micro-Análisis de Materiales (CMAM), which is a unique research infrastructure of the Autonomous University of Madrid. The Autonomous University...
Going to the heaviest: First acceleration of Lead beams at CMAM

Going to the heaviest: First acceleration of Lead beams at CMAM

Going to the heaviest: First acceleration of Lead beams at CMAM The aim was to optimize the machine to the maximum and check whether we were able to characterize the isotopic composition of a target used in an experiment at ISOLDE (CERN) for studies of the scattering...
CMAM has entered into the RADIATE project

CMAM has entered into the RADIATE project

CMAM has entered into the RADIATE project CMAM has contributed in the last 17 years to a large number of researches demanding ion beam techniques for analysis and modification of materials. Our facility consists on a 5 MV tandem linear accelerator and 6 beam lines...
CMAM has started up again his accelerator

CMAM has started up again his accelerator

CMAM has started up again his accelerator CMAM has started up again his accelerator under a reduced special operation mode accepting internal experiments and maintenance, only small tasks with limited teams. While the majority of the staff is tele-working, CMAM is...